Saturday 8 August 2009

Princess Antoinette of France- Crème brûlée

You will need:

Three cups of double cream,
Six tablespoons of sugar,
Six eggs,
One vanilla pod.

1. Crack six eggs, keeping the yolk separate from the egg white.
2. Mix the egg yolks with half the sugar until the mixture is a pale-sunshine colour.
3. Put the vanilla pod into the cream, and ask your grownup to simmer them gently until warmed through.
4. Ask your grownup to whisk the egg yolks into the cream, then cook until it's thickened.
5. Take the vanilla pod out, and pour the mixture into little bowls, then put the bowls in a roasting tin and half fill the tin with water.
6. Put the roasting tin in the oven and ask your grownup to bake until almost set.
7. Ask your grownup to sprinkle sugar all over the puddings.
8. Ask your grownup to put them in the hottest grill possible until the sugar caramelises.

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