Thursday 13 August 2009

Princess Kamballa of Australia- Peach Melba

You will need:

Four peaches,
Four cups of raspberries,
Two tablespoons of sugar
Four tablespoons of almonds,
Four scoops of vanilla ice cream.

1. Put the sugar and peaches in a pan of water, and ask your grownup to boil them for ten minutes.
2. Ask your grownup to take the peaches out of the water, and leave them to cool.
3. Ask your grownup to put the raspberries in a blender until they make a smooth sauce.
4. Press the raspberry sauce through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.
5. In each bowl, put one scoop of vanilla ice cream in, the pour over half the raspberry sauce.
6. Ask your grownup to chop the peaches in half, then peel them.
7. Put the peach halves on top of the ice cream, then add the rest of the raspberry.
8. Sprinkle on the almonds.

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